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Amorphous Steel Core: Properties and Applications in Magnetic Systems

by:Catech      2023-08-13

Amorphous Steel Core: Properties and Applications in Magnetic Systems


Amorphous steel cores have emerged as a groundbreaking material in the field of magnetic systems. With their unique properties and versatile applications, they have revolutionized the design and efficiency of magnetic devices. This article explores the properties of amorphous steel cores and delves into their various applications in magnetic systems.

Understanding Amorphous Steel:

Amorphous steel, also known as metallic glass, is a type of ferromagnetic material that lacks a crystalline structure. Unlike conventional steel, which consists of ordered atoms, amorphous steel possesses a disordered atomic arrangement. This unique structure provides amorphous steel cores with exceptional magnetic properties that make them highly desirable for numerous applications.

1. Enhanced Magnetic Properties:

Amorphous steel cores exhibit several enhanced magnetic properties compared to their crystalline counterparts. Firstly, they possess a significantly higher saturation induction, allowing them to generate stronger magnetic fields. This property makes them ideal for applications where high magnetic flux density is crucial, such as in power distribution transformers and electric motors.

Additionally, amorphous steel cores demonstrate low coercivity, which refers to their ability to resist demagnetization. This property reduces energy losses caused by hysteresis, making them highly efficient for transformers and inductors. Furthermore, their low magnetostriction, a property that determines dimensional changes under a magnetic field, ensures minimal mechanical stress and noise production.

2. Low Core Losses:

One of the most significant advantages of amorphous steel cores is their remarkably low core losses. Core losses refer to the energy dissipated as heat within the magnetic core due to electromagnetic induction. Compared to traditional silicon steel cores, amorphous steel cores exhibit significantly lower core losses, ultimately resulting in enhanced overall system efficiency.

The low core losses of amorphous steel cores are primarily attributed to their unique atomic structure. The absence of grain boundaries, which are present in crystalline structures, minimizes magnetic domains' movement, thereby reducing energy loss. This property makes amorphous steel cores highly suitable for applications that require high-frequency magnetic fields, such as in switch-mode power supplies and advanced electronic devices.

3. Narrow Hysteresis Loop:

Hysteresis loop refers to the relationship between the magnetic flux density (B) and magnetic field strength (H) in a magnetic material. Amorphous steel cores exhibit a narrow hysteresis loop, representing a smaller energy dissipation during magnetization and demagnetization cycles. This characteristic allows for increased operational stability and superior magnetic performance.

The narrow hysteresis loop of amorphous steel cores stems from their atomic structure lacking crystal boundaries. As a result, the movement of magnetic domains and formation of eddy currents are considerably reduced, reducing energy losses. This property is highly advantageous in applications where minimal energy dissipation is critical, such as in high-frequency transformers and chokes.

4. Flexibility in Design:

Amorphous steel cores offer a high degree of design flexibility due to their unique manufacturing process. Unlike traditional steel cores that require numerous processing steps, amorphous steel cores are manufactured through rapid solidification techniques, such as melt spinning or planar flow casting. This rapid cooling process prevents the formation of crystalline structures, yielding an amorphous solid.

The flexibility in design is further enhanced by the ability to produce amorphous steel cores in various shapes and sizes. They can be manufactured as thin ribbons, laminated cores, or even 3D complex shapes, catering to the specific requirements of diverse applications. This versatility in design allows for optimization of magnetic properties and efficient utilization of space within magnetic systems.

5. Applications in Magnetic Systems:

The exceptional properties of amorphous steel cores have led to their widespread adoption in numerous magnetic system applications. Some notable applications include:

Transformers: Amorphous steel cores find extensive use in power distribution transformers due to their low core losses and high efficiency. By reducing energy losses, amorphous steel cores contribute to energy conservation and improved performance.

Inductors and chokes: The unique magnetic properties of amorphous steel cores make them ideal for inductive components requiring high efficiency and stable magnetic behavior. They are commonly employed in power supplies, electronic filters, and noise reduction circuits.

Electric vehicles: The demand for efficient transportation has led to the increased utilization of amorphous steel cores in electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and motor drives. Their high saturation induction and low core losses contribute to the overall efficiency and performance of EV power electronics.

Renewable energy systems: Amorphous steel cores play a vital role in the development of renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines and solar inverters. Their low core losses and enhanced magnetic properties improve energy conversion efficiency and facilitate sustainable energy generation.


Amorphous steel cores have paved the way for significant advancements in magnetic system design. Their unique properties, including enhanced magnetic performance, low core losses, and flexibility in design, make them a preferred choice in various applications. As technology continues to evolve, amorphous steel cores will undoubtedly contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainable magnetic systems in the future.

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