
Catech is committed to leading supplier of soft magnetic materials and amorphous & nanocrystalline core / ribbon applications.

The Role of Nanocrystalline Core in High-Current Inductors

by:Catech      2023-05-12

The Role of Nanocrystalline Core in High-Current Inductors

Inductors are essential components used in circuits to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. They are used in different electronic applications such as voltage regulators, transformers, and power supplies. However, designing high-current inductors for power applications can be a challenging task. The core in an inductor plays a significant role in its performance, and nanocrystalline cores have shown significant improvements in high-current inductors. In this article, we will explore the role of nanocrystalline cores in high-current inductors and their advantages over traditional cores.

What is a Nanocrystalline Core?

A nanocrystalline core is a magnetic core made up of ultra-fine nanoparticles of iron and boron. The core is manufactured by rapidly quenching a molten alloy of iron and boron using a high-speed cooling process. This process results in a core with extremely small grain sizes, typically below 10 nanometers, which offers highly improved magnetic properties.

Advantages of Nanocrystalline Cores

Nanocrystalline cores offer several advantages over traditional cores used in high-current inductors. Some of the advantages include:

Higher Saturation Flux Density

One of the significant advantages of nanocrystalline cores is their high saturation flux density. Saturation flux density is the maximum magnetic field strength a core can withstand before it saturates, meaning it cannot store any more energy. Nanocrystalline cores have saturation flux densities of up to 1.2 Tesla, which is significantly higher than the commonly used ferrite cores with saturation flux densities of around 0.5 Tesla.

Low Core Losses

Another critical advantage of nanocrystalline cores is their low core losses. Core losses refer to the energy dissipated, mostly as heat, during the magnetic energy conversion process. High core losses can affect the overall efficiency of an inductor by reducing the amount of energy available for the output. Nanocrystalline cores have lower core losses than traditional ferrite cores, making them more efficient and suitable for high-current applications.

High Permeability

Nanocrystalline cores have high permeability compared to conventional cores, meaning they can store energy more efficiently. The high permeability is attributed to the ultra-fine grain size that allows for the easy movement of magnetic domains. This makes nanocrystalline cores more suitable for high-current applications that require high energy storage capabilities.

Higher Temperature Tolerance

Nanocrystalline cores have higher temperature tolerance compared to other magnetic cores. They can withstand temperatures of up to 140 degrees Celsius without losing their magnetic properties. This makes them suitable for high-temperature applications, such as power converters and automotive systems.

Applications of Nanocrystalline Cores in High-Current Inductors

Nanocrystalline cores have several applications in high-current inductors due to their superior magnetic properties. Some of the applications include:

Power Supplies

Nanocrystalline cores are widely used in power supplies for telecommunications and computer systems. They offer high efficiency and low losses, making them ideal for these applications.

Automotive Systems

Nanocrystalline cores are also used in automotive systems, such as electric power steering and battery charger systems. These systems require inductors that can withstand high temperatures and high energy storage capabilities, which nanocrystalline cores can provide.

Renewable Energy Systems

Nanocrystalline cores are also used in renewable energy systems such as wind turbines and solar inverters. These systems require inductors that can store energy efficiently and have a high saturation flux density.


Nanocrystalline cores have revolutionized high-current inductors due to their superior magnetic properties compared to traditional magnetic cores. They offer high saturation flux density, low core losses, high permeability, and higher temperature tolerance, making them ideal for various applications such as power supplies, automotive systems, and renewable energy systems. Nanocrystalline cores have enabled the development of more efficient and reliable inductors, which are crucial in the ever-increasing demand for high-current applications.

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