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Soft Magnetic Materials for Wireless Power Transfer

by:Catech      2023-05-14

Soft Magnetic Materials for Wireless Power Transfer Applications

Wireless power transfer (WPT) is a promising technology that enables the transfer of electrical energy from a power source to a load without the use of any physical connection between them. This technology is gaining momentum in a wide range of applications, including electric vehicles, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The success of WPT is highly dependent on the development of efficient and reliable soft magnetic materials, which are used in the design of magnetic components such as transformers, inductors, and magnetic shielding. In this article, we will discuss the importance of soft magnetic materials in WPT applications and the different types of soft magnetic materials available for use.

Overview of Soft Magnetic Materials

Soft magnetic materials are materials that exhibit low coercivity, and thus are easily magnetized and demagnetized. These materials have a high permeability, which allows them to efficiently conduct magnetic flux. There are different types of soft magnetic materials, including magnetic alloys, iron-based materials, and ferrites. The choice of soft magnetic material for a given application depends on factors such as the required magnetic flux density, operating frequency, and temperature range.

Soft Magnetic Materials for Wireless Power Transfer

In WPT applications, soft magnetic materials are used in the design of magnetic components such as transformers and inductors. These components are responsible for coupling the magnetic energy from the power source to the load. The efficiency of the wireless power transfer system is highly dependent on the efficiency of these magnetic components. Therefore, the choice of soft magnetic material plays a critical role in the overall performance of the system.

Types of Soft Magnetic Materials

Magnetic alloys: Magnetic alloys are materials with high magnetic permeability and low coercivity. These alloys are commonly used in the design of magnetic cores for transformers and inductors. Examples of magnetic alloys include nickel-iron (NiFe), cobalt-iron (CoFe), and iron-cobalt-nickel (FeCoNi) alloys. NiFe alloys, such as Mu-metal, are widely used in low-frequency power applications due to their high permeability and low core losses.

Iron-based materials: Iron-based soft magnetic materials, such as iron-silicon (FeSi) alloys and iron-cobalt (FeCo) alloys, are commonly used in high-frequency power applications. These materials have a low coercivity and high saturation magnetization, making them ideal for use in magnetic components operating at high frequencies.

Ferrites: Ferrites are ceramic materials with high permeability and low electrical conductivity. These materials are commonly used in the design of magnetic shielding and noise suppression components in WPT applications. Ferrites are preferred over metallic magnetic materials in applications where high-frequency operation is required.

Soft Magnetic Material Properties

The performance of soft magnetic materials is determined by several properties, including magnetic permeability, coercivity, saturation magnetization, and magnetic losses. Magnetic permeability is a measure of the ability of the material to conduct magnetic flux. A high magnetic permeability allows for a greater transfer of magnetic energy from the power source to the load. Coercivity is the measure of the material's resistance to magnetization. A low coercivity allows for easier magnetization and demagnetization of the material. Saturation magnetization is the maximum magnetic moment per unit volume that a material can achieve. High saturation magnetization allows for a higher magnetic flux density, which increases the efficiency of the magnetic components. Magnetic losses refer to the energy that the material dissipates when subjected to a magnetic field. Higher magnetic losses result in lower efficiency and increased heat generation.


In conclusion, soft magnetic materials are critical components in the design and implementation of wireless power transfer systems. The choice of soft magnetic material depends on a variety of factors including operating frequency, temperature range, and required magnetic flux density. Each type of soft magnetic material has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the selection of the optimal material is dependent on the specific application requirements. By understanding the properties and characteristics of soft magnetic materials, engineers can design efficient and reliable magnetic components for wireless power transfer applications.

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