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New high-sensitivity magnetic material benefits electronics

by:Catech      2023-04-28
New high-sensitivity magnetic material benefits temperature-sensitive electronics

According to the BBC report on March 4, US researchers have discovered a highly sensitive magnetic material that can transform computer hard drives and energy storage devices.

The electromagnetic material can change its magnetism with just a slight change in temperature. Ivan, a professor at the University of California, San Diego? 'No other material known to people can do this. It's a big deal, and we can control it,' said Schuler, who presented the findings at the American Physical Society meeting in Denver.

The magnetic material contains nickel and vanadium oxide and is extremely sensitive to temperature. 'We can control the magnetism with small temperature changes, without going through a magnetic field at all,' Schuler said. 'In principle, we can also control it with voltage or current. At low temperatures, this oxide is an insulator, and at high temperatures it becomes an insulator. Metal (conductor). It's a weird material in between.'

Schuler said that the new material is expected to improve the current magnetic memory; it can also improve the circuit to deal with the drastic changes in current under special circumstances such as lightning.

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