
Catech is committed to leading supplier of soft magnetic materials and amorphous & nanocrystalline core / ribbon applications.

What is Amorphous Ribbon

by:Catech      2023-05-06

What is Amorphous Ribbon

Amorphous strip, if you ask others if they know it, most people will be confused when they hear it. Amorphous strip? I have never heard of it, it is a high-tech material. In fact, it exists in our lives, and it is in the high-voltage electrical appliances we use. So what exactly is an amorphous strip? Let's give you some popular science. We all know that matter is composed of atoms, and the atoms can be arranged in a certain order or randomly. We call the irregular arrangement of internal atoms an amorphous material, and the orderly arrangement is a crystalline material.

Both crystalline and amorphous substances are encountered in our daily life. Amorphous ribbon, in layman's terms, is a material in a state between crystal and amorphous. It does not exist in nature, it is invented by us humans. When crystalline materials such as steel are melted, the internal atoms move violently at high temperature. After the temperature cools down, the atomic movement will gradually arrange in the original order as the temperature drops, forming a crystal. Imagine if, after melting, a crystal was cooled so rapidly that its atoms had no time to rearrange and were frozen in place, resulting in an amorphous ribbon.

Scientists have discovered that amorphous strips have excellent properties such as high magnetic permeability, high resistivity, high magnetic induction, and corrosion resistance, and have incomparable advantages over traditional materials. Therefore, due to its many advantages, it is widely used in industries such as communications, electronic appliances, and super-temperature conductors. The huge demand in the Chinese market has driven the rapid development of the amorphous strip industry.

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