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Amorphous Magnetic Cores: Improving Performance in Power Electronics

by:Catech      2023-08-05

Amorphous Magnetic Cores: Improving Performance in Power Electronics


Amorphous magnetic cores have revolutionized the field of power electronics, offering significant gains in performance and efficiency compared to traditional magnetic materials. This article explores the benefits of amorphous magnetic cores in power electronics applications and highlights their contribution to advancing technology in various industries.

Understanding Amorphous Magnetic Cores:

Amorphous magnetic cores are made from a unique alloy known as amorphous metal, which lacks crystalline structure. This structure imparts exceptional magnetic properties, including high saturation flux density, low core losses, and improved permeability. These cores are typically formed into toroid shapes for use in transformers and inductors in power electronic circuits.

Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Core Losses:

The use of amorphous magnetic cores in power electronics results in enhanced efficiency due to reduced core losses. Core losses in traditional magnetic materials are primarily caused by hysteresis and eddy current losses. However, the amorphous structure eliminates the eddy current losses, resulting in significantly lower core losses.

1. Minimizing Hysteresis Losses:

Hysteresis loss occurs when the magnetic field within a core is repeatedly reversed, causing energy dissipation. Amorphous magnetic cores exhibit lower hysteresis losses due to their unique atomic structure. This results in improved power conversion efficiency, reduced heat generation, and consequently, longer lifespan for power electronic devices.

2. Eliminating Eddy Current Losses:

Eddy currents are induced currents that circulate within the core material when exposed to varying magnetic fields. These currents lead to power dissipation and inefficiencies. Amorphous magnetic cores, thanks to their non-crystalline structure, significantly reduce eddy current losses compared to conventional cores, enabling higher operating frequencies and improved performance.

Applications in Power Electronics:

Amorphous magnetic cores find applications in a wide range of power electronic devices. Some of the key applications include:

1. Power Transformers:

Amorphous magnetic cores are extensively used in power transformers due to their superior magnetic properties. The low core losses and high saturation flux density of amorphous cores make them ideal for high-efficiency transformers used in power generation, transmission, and distribution systems. These cores enable efficient voltage regulation and contribute to reducing energy wastage.

2. Inductors and Chokes:

Amorphous magnetic cores are also employed in the construction of inductors and chokes in power electronic circuits. The high permeability and low core losses of amorphous cores make them well-suited for these applications, ensuring efficient energy storage and transfer. Amorphous inductors and chokes contribute to reducing electromagnetic interference and improving overall system performance.

3. Current Sensors:

Amorphous magnetic cores are used in current sensors, which measure the electric current flowing through a conductor. These sensors rely on the magnetization characteristics of amorphous cores to accurately detect and measure current levels. The high sensitivity and linearity of amorphous cores make them a preferred choice in various industries, including automotive, renewable energy, and industrial automation.

4. Power Factor Correction (PFC) Systems:

Power Factor Correction systems are vital for optimizing the power quality in complex electrical networks. Amorphous magnetic cores are employed in PFC inductors and transformers, enabling improved power factor and reduced harmonic distortions. These components contribute to efficient power transmission, minimize energy losses, and enhance overall system performance.

5. High-Frequency Power Supplies:

With the increasing demand for smaller and more efficient electronic devices, the need for high-frequency power supplies has grown. Amorphous magnetic cores play a crucial role in these applications by minimizing core losses, allowing for higher operating frequencies, and reducing the size and weight of power supplies. The use of amorphous cores in high-frequency transformers and inductors ensures minimal power loss and optimal performance.


The integration of amorphous magnetic cores in power electronic devices has revolutionized the industry by significantly improving efficiency, minimizing core losses, and maximizing power transmission. Their unique atomic structure and exceptional magnetic properties make them an indispensable component in various applications, ranging from power transformers to high-frequency power supplies. As technology continues to advance, amorphous magnetic cores will play a vital role in shaping the future of power electronics.

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