
Catech is committed to leading supplier of soft magnetic materials and amorphous & nanocrystalline core / ribbon applications.

Properties of bulk amorphous alloys

by:Catech      2023-04-19

Properties of bulk amorphous alloys

The structure of the amorphous alloy is the same as that of the glassy material, which is a metastable structure. Its characteristics have been studied in different neighborhoods for nearly half a century. With the improvement of the way of preparing amorphous materials, people can prepare amorphous alloy samples with regular shape and sufficient size. People will further study the mechanical properties of amorphous alloys so that they can be applied in engineering.

Compared with ordinary alloys, amorphous alloy materials have unique properties:

1. Very high elastic limit: its elastic strain limit can reach 2% in tension and compression, while the crystal material is less than 1%.

2. High yield strength: up to about 2GPa. At the same time, it is different from the tensile strength and yield strength of crystalline materials, and the yield strength of amorphous materials is greater than the tensile strength, usually both occur at the same time.

3. Fatigue performance: its crack growth behavior is similar to that of traditional ductile crystal materials, that is, (a) the crack growth rate depends on the range of stress intensity applied, (b) the load ratio and crack closure are similar, (c) in the fatigue Ductile striations appear on the fractured surface. Therefore, the relationship between the fatigue stress and the number of cycles of bulk amorphous alloys is different from that of ductile crystalline metals. It shows that the fatigue life is low, and the dependence on the stress range is small. It can only be observed when the applied stress drops to 4% of the tensile stress. to its fatigue limit.

4. Higher hardness. The atoms of amorphous materials are arranged in a high-density stacked manner, and the hardness is generally higher. The fracture toughness value KIC of amorphous alloys is higher than that of failure-strengthened aluminum alloys (24-36MPam1/2). Commercial titanium alloys are equivalent (54-98 MPam1/2), about 60-70 MPam1/2.

In addition, amorphous has good stamping performance, superplasticity, good toughness and other mechanical properties.

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